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Reply to thread: Harmony [18+ MyBB] original sci-fi with aliens and mechs
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Thread Review (Newest First)
Posted by Sticks - 5/7/2023, 10:52 AM
It is the end of spring in the year 2553, a lifetime’s journey from Earth. Colonists on the recently-discovered planet of Harmony found large deposits of one of the galaxy's rarest elements on their home. News of this spread quickly, and on the heels of joy came a threat: the Sevar. Warriors from the neighbouring galaxy, they immediately declared their intent to attack Harmony, killing all who remained on their way to claim the planet's riches for themselves.

Desperate for help, the colonists sent out distress signals. With their newfound support from across the galaxy, the Sevar are daunted, and the Harmony Rebellion is preparing to offer a peace treaty, in the hopes that crisis may be averted. With an influx of new people, Harmony is busier than ever, and some say more dangerous. Even if the Sevar never invade, will the fledgeling colony still stand strong in the wake of so much chaos?